how to win at life

and look good doing it

What is up my sexy slayers

Welcome to the Office Slayers— your no BS guide to being the hottest and most confident version of yourself.

I hope you’re having a fun and flirty week so far 😘 

Today’s edition will be short and sweet. Quick and dirty, if you will.

One thing about a hot girl? She always has a trick up her sleeve:

Top 8 hot girl life hacks:

  1. Chew gum when you walk into parties: not only does this ensure your breath smells good when you make new friends but also is scientifically proven to make you look cooler.

    Choose cinnamon or spearmint & pair it with Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk (medium) 

  2. This goes without saying but hot girl walk at least 4 times a week!!! You have to!!!! This is how we move our body and manifest our dreams

    Never heard of a HGW? Get all the tea here.

  3. Eat veggies in your breakfast.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m partial to a nice cinnamon oatmeal moment. BUT I’ve been in my bell pepper era for some time now, and I love throwing them in my scrambled eggs. Plus the red bell peppers look sooo pretty 🫶 

  4. Cheat code for content creator queens: batch create video content when your hair is fresh and clean, batch create written content when you desperately need a shampoo.

    After all, life revolves around the hair wash schedule.

  5. Regularly add new bits to your repertoire to make you seem funnier and cooler. Because you are those things more and more each day. My new favs are:

    “I’m just vibing in the ritz” → for when you’re vibing

    “no notes” → for when things slay and you have nothing bad to say

    referring to people who are no longer in my life (for good reason) as “second string.” Ex: ‘It’s fine he was second string anyway.’ Lol.

  6. The people who wake up at 5am we’re right, you have to gratitude journal. Why? Because if you go into each day with a shitty ass mood thinking about all the things that are going wrong, you won’t be happy or fun or cool

    hot girls = happy, fun, and cool girls

    Here’s a practice I learned last year: write down 3 things you’re grateful for each day, why you are grateful for them, and what part you played in making it happen. Like this:

    “I’m grateful for my clean laundry because I got to wear my favorite shirt today. I’m glad I made the time yesterday to wash my clothes”

    Little things and big things count!!

  7. Just know that if you’re not using Aquaphor as your chapstick, your lips are musty, crusty, and dusty.

    Aquaphor is simply unparalleled and you need to be using it. Keep a mini one in all your bags, a big one in your bathroom, and a medium one in your bedroom!

    This is #notspons but I wish it was


  1. love that for you: we’re just happy for you

  2. ate that up: you did it with style and you did a great job

For more on how to win at life, subscribe below. You could be hotter with just one click 😍 

That is all from me today! Can’t wait for all of us to grow into the hottest slayest most confident most beautiful-brilliant-hilarious-radiant versions of ourselves.

See you Wednesday ;)