treat yourself tuesday

the power of a silly little treat

Sup Slayers,

Welcome to the Office Slayers— your no BS guide to being the hottest and most confident version of yourself.

Today’s edition is going to be short and sweet—much like a little treat.

I’ll begin with a story (about me).

A few years ago, I had my birth chart read. For context, getting your birth / natal chart read should provide deep insight into your personality, motivations, and desires.

Here’s the picture:

Sophomore year of college me taking a 60-minute Zoom call with two women whom I can only describe as giving “fairy core” but in a middle-aged-gypsy-woman type of way. And it totally worked for them.

I can’t recall their names, but the first lady was supposed to tell me about my finances, and the other lady was supposed to tell me about my everything else.

Here are the four things I chose to hold on to from that meeting:

  1. November 2023 is supposed to be an important month for me 👀

  2. My Moon sign is in Leo, which means a lot of stuff but the TLDR of it is that I’m dramatic (big surprise! no one saw this coming!)

  3. My Sun is in Pisces, that means I’m a dreamer and a creative soul

  4. I was born on a Tuesday, so I should treat each Tuesday like a mini birthday

But enough about me!!

After this natal chart reading, Treat Myself Tuesday was born.

Why is a weekly birthday so slay?

  • because it’s something you do for yourself that you can look forward to every week, no questions asked

  • because it is also fun and super cute

Take this mini bday as an opportunity just give yourself a little somethin-somethin. My treat this week was getting my first (and last tbh) pumpkin spice latte of the fall season!

You can do things like…

  • Get a delicious coffee treat instead of making coffee at home

  • Watch a movie after work instead of working after work

  • Read a fun book

  • Cook a delish meal for yourself

  • Buy a delish meal for yourself

  • Go for a leisurely walk

And once a month, I do a big treat! Like…

  • Get nails done

  • Buy that thing that you’ve been eyeing!!!

  • Just get an espresso martini or 2 when you’re out to dinner. It’s your birthday after all.

  • Whatever the boy version of any of this is??? Buy protein powder??? Shotgun a beer???

Idk, whatever your prerogative is. As long as it’s a treat to you, it counts.

Also I’m making it mandatory for all Office Slayers readers to try their weekly birthday at least once!

For extra brownie points, send me a pic to this email or on Twitter of you treating yourself.

You can find out the day of the week you were born with this calculator. Thank me later ;)

I am a firm believer in this: if you need something, you need it.

And I need a little treat. Every week on Tuesday’s.

Go treat yourself!!!!! All the hot girls are doing it.


  1. yakwtfigo (acronym): you already know what the f is going on

  2. Zellennial (noun): the people who are too embarrassed to say they’re millennials, but don’t know enough words in this vocab section to say they’re Gen Z— Hi to the readers born from 1995 to 1997ish!

  3. simp (noun): someone who does wayyyyy to much for the person they have a crush on

Thanks for reading! Can’t wait for all of us to grow into the hottest slayest most confident most beautiful-brilliant-hilarious-radiant versions of yourselves.

See you Wednesday ;)

Bella Rose