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sexy Slack comms

Sup sexy slayers,

Welcome to the Office Slayers— your no BS guide to being the hottest and most confident version of yourself at work.

Today I’m showing you the ropes of hot girl Slack comms.

And if you use Teams, well…bffr.

If you’re a work from home warrior, you know that communicating with team members though Slack is sometimes the only chatting you do all day long.

We spend 8ish hours a day working, so we must apply hot girl rule #58:

Always make things more fun than they need to be.

The hot girl follow up

People are busy and forget to respond.

Sometimes, a simple “bumping^^ :)” will suffice.

I’ve found that people will reply faster and think you’re a fun person if you send your follow-up slack with a little more— feeling. 

Sending Slacks with feeling looks like following up with content that makes people laugh and doesn’t remind them with a boring sentence that you need something.

Here are a few of my fav ways to do this:

  1. This iconic Spongebob meme. The best use for this one is when you’ve been ghosted for like 5 hours in a group channel or even in a DM. Extra points if you use it when someone is 10 mins late to a meeting:

  1. The Bernie meme — no explanation necessary tbh. Just find the image in imgflip, and let em know what you’re (once again) asking for.

    This one is really great if 1) you’ve already followed up before and 2) if you want a guaranteed 💀 reaction lol.

    I have used this one at almost every company I’ve worked at — 100% success rate on getting what I need the same day.

  1. This one is my personal favorite: a custom TikTok. It can be short and sweet (we’re working, after all!) and is good for if you’re feeling feral.

    Here’s a slideshow TikTok I used when I was in my intern era: POV waiting for feedback. Who doesn’t just love a good TikTok?

    Safe to say this one was also a winner— mostly because it got a laugh but getting a response was good, too!

Hot girl reactions / statuses

💅: use when someone says you did a good job, this just makes everything slay

🤠: you’re just tipping your hat. it’s giving southern hospitality. also good to use when you send your deliverable

👀: use on the message that insinuates there is tea (adds pressure to make sure tea is spilled by the right person)

🤳: make your focused emoji indicative of what you’re actually doing.

i personally use the selfie emoji when I’m “focused,” for me, that means when I’m making 745167364816471 TikToks.

👑: use this on your birthday and set your status to “birthday queen/king”

🛫: use any airplane emoji for travel but make your status something like “35,000 feet in the air” or “spirit airlines tbh,” anything BUT “OOO” — let’s get creative

🫶: CUTEST thing to add to a “thank you”

🧘 or 🙇: also good for focus. hottest with the status “don’t talk to me or else i will reply and not get any work done”

Honorable mentions, Slackmojis:

  • hyperfastparrot

  • partyblobs (WOOOO)

  • the pizza rat (when you’re lunching)

  • ty in a heart (everything is better with a heart)

Miscellaneous hot girl slack things

  1. Use threads, girl. Ever heard of centralized communication???

  2. Make your own slack emojis to match the exact vibe

  3. Refer to deliverables with she/her pronouns

    Here’s an example referring to a social media post:


  1. feral: hyper chaotic, going crazy, thirsty😏 OR nasty, gross, really bad

  2. mother: an iconic woman who constantly serves 💅 EX: Taylor Swift

  3. so boyfriend: a reaction to an experience that gives you “we’re dating” delusions. EX: “He’s so boyfriend when he opens the door for me”

That’s it for today! Can’t wait for all of us to grow into the hottest slayest most confident most beautiful-brilliant-hilarious-radiant versions of ourselves.

See you Wednesday ;)

Bella Rose