rules for valentine's day

posting on Instagram edition

Hellooo ladies and gentlemen

It’s your favorite email of the week!!! Your no B.S. guide to being a hot girl 💅

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m giving you the (almost universally understood) rules to posting on Instagram on this day of love.

It’s no secret that posting on Instagram has become a little embarrassing lately…but I’m here to save you.

Valentine’s Day Posting Rules:

💌 For situation-ships, FWB, the people who are mustering up the courage to ask “what are we?”

Be so for real right now. Post nothing. Literally nothing. I know you were low key thinking about it because you might be down bad right now.

BUT the rules are as follows: no label, no post !!

Don’t even think about a gift.

💌 You’ve been dating 0 - 6 months

Mysterious story post ONLY (no tags).

No face pics, only soft launch pics. Why? Because your relationship is a vulnerable baby and if you break up and then it would be embarrassing that you posted them on your first V day.

But the mysterious posts are the fun ones…content ideas:

  • Y’all are out to dinner so you get a lil pic of the table with their hand in it holding their drink (low exposure)

  • the bouquet, flowers, roses, anything of the sort

  • if you’re dressed up nice and wearing cool shoes: a blurry-ish pic of both of your feet when you’re walking

  • my personal fav: a mirror selfie where it’s mostly you and maybe his arm is in it a little

💌 Dating 6 months - a year

Introduce them!! Pick a strong photo. What works best here is ONE story post.

Yes, their face is allowed and tags are a MUST!! Why? Because the rest of us need to stalk them and figure out their whole life story.

This can be a cute pic taken on Valentine’s Day or an iconic pic of the two of you from before.

💌 Dating 1-2 years

Congrats! You’re allowed to post them on your feed + story.

Story post is from TODAY: the date, the outfits, the chocolates, the flowers, etc. Show me the moment.

Feed post (or second story): Pic where you both look hot !! Think vacation, special event, or effortlessly cool vibes…anything where people will see it and think “yeah, they look good together.”

If it were me, I would only tag on the feed post and not the story.

💌 2+ years

Y’all have been around the block at this point, so you can post as much as you want.

BUT dating for 2 years??? Now we’re wondering you’re engaged or not. So just make sure there’s a little ring finger action so we can see if there will be and “I do” in your future

Tag them obvi.

💌 Announcing your engagement?

Woooo hooo!!! Show it to me girl. Unlimited stories, posts, reposts, comments, everything.

I want all the tea and I want it now. Who was at the engagement?? Do your friends support the relationship??? Future in laws?? Who are they??

If you got engaged on this day, I hope you got a photographer because I will be sharing this post in my group chat.


💌 You got married this year(ish)

YAY! Take me down memory lane with your forever valentine!! How is it being in love and married to the love of your life???

Show us with a little in-feed post (multiple slides allowed). Wedding photos, travel photos, moving into your first home together photos, photos with your golden doodle, all that jazz.

Caption ideas:

  • my forever valentine

  • forever has a nice ring to it

  • tag someone you want to smooch

  • you + me

💌 Single People

Give me some Galentines content of your fun drinks in heart shaped cups, sweet treats, pink and red outfits

Also I’m not mad at a tasteful meme (on the story)

Or a pic of you at the bar wearing a shirt that says “I ❤️ hot dads” or something like that

(I don’t think boys are allowed to do this one)

Whatever makes you happy !!!!

Happy posting and happy love day

If you loved reading this, forward it to a friend and have them sign up here :)

That’s it from me today! Can’t wait for all of us to grow into the hottest slayest most confident most beautiful-brilliant-hilarious-radiant versions of ourselves.

See you next time!!


Bella Rose